The Pocket

Some friends had a dog that gave birth to some puppies. A few months later, they were finding homes for the dogs and persuaded me to take one of them. I named him Curtis after a friend and former coworker. I remember giving him the news. “I got a dog and named him after you,” […]

The Sliver

I was doing some hiking in San Francisquito Canyon, exploring an area of local historical significance as it is the site of a 1928 dam collapse.  After exploring the ruins in the canyon and getting back to my truck, I noticed a path leading up to what was referred to as a “wing wall” which […]

The Glasses

I lose reading glasses.  A lot of them.  My routine, after losing all the pair that I own, is to go to The Dollar Tree and buy 20 or so pairs of them and hope to hell the supply will last me a month.  Okay . . .  Maybe I’m exaggerating.  I hope the supply […]